I've already told you the usual boring dishes that we order all the time, but I've never shown you how they look like in picture execpt Tang Chu Li Ji. Here you go, my friends, the famous Malaysian students dishes:

The ever boring Tang Cu Li Ji - Sweet and Sour Shredded Meat. again!

Fried Tomotoes with Egg. It should have been a delectable dish but why do they need to put SO MUCH SALT IN? What is wrong with Shandong cooks?

This Soured Potato fried with Dried Chilies is this guy's favourite. He can eat this everyday and love it like he's never eaten before.

We ordered something new today. Pardon me, it's supoosed to be 京酱肉丝, not 浆. I thought it's fried noodle at first, but it's tofu. It's quite nice cos the tofu is elastic, not soft and 'touchy'. ha!

Then came the Fried Veggie. Yuck, it's basically like eating insecticide, too bitter.

I'm not a fan of white rice. It's got no taste, no aroma, no nutritional values and too soft. Saya betul-betuk tak minat lah.

After we've finished our meal, we ordered 2 bottles of beer, that costs RMB 3 each. So damn cheap, ok?

Then the restaurant gave us this Sticky Sweet Potato dish free. It's the most delicious meal for the night: crunchy and sweet. Perfect for beer. Oh my, it's so sticky that it has these long shreds of sticky webs that's attached to it until you put it in your mouth and bite it off. They called it the Dragging Web Earth Potato...

Aiya, my head is so dizzy now I've got to stop lah. Sorry if this post is not as interesting as I wanted it to be... (you should be grateful I'm not talking nonsense and offensive stuff... haha)
* In China:
- Potato 薯仔 is called Earth Bean - 土豆 (Tu Dou)
- Sweet Potato 番薯 is called Earth Melon - 地瓜 (Di Gua)
Oh no....food again..... i want to see some nice places and liang zai
Aiya, I wish I can find some liang zai here as well...
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