I've never seen a physician like that before. Patients come in, sit down for 5 secs, not even half-way through describing the symtoms, he's already, with one hand, starting to prescribe a list of herbs, and the other, holding his stick of cigarette. What a cool old man.
Anyway, I didn't manage to learn much because they are all aliens don't talk mandarin in this room, and his writing is again like this

I swear that's not my finger.
I could make out all the herbs but anything else is just 'out of my depth'.
Anyway, in case you haven't known, I am your non-typical chinese that cannot stand to eat rice everyday. I can really die if you ask me to do that. However, I can eat cheese and ham and sausage and bread every frikin day and still feel happy everytime like a girl who's just received her first bouquet of flower in her life.
So, on a crazy hot day like this, I just couldn't imagine myself eating a hot bowl of rice. I walked around a bit the streets near my school hoping to find a perfect dinner.

I don't know what this GUAN TANG BAO 灌汤包 is and why is it so popular. Wherever they sell this, you will see a queue.
I'm sorry, it's just too hot for me to queue ok? I'll try it out next time.

I bought 2 SHAO BING 烧饼 from this uncle which costed me RMB 0.60 only.

I really pity him for having to make these under such weather.

I also bought this Kueh Teow looking noodle, which is really rice noodle with peanut sauce and sesame oil and a lot of vinegar. Cost: RMB 1.50

Darn full!
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