It's either my colleagues don't like my kind of food or I don't like theirs, so we had to resort to things like POTATO, which is quite UNIVERSAL.

So shameful.
I can't live anymore on Chinese food!
Can someone PLEASE SAVE ME
from all the white rice and stir-fried food.
P L E A S E ?
Can die now.

Mountain East people like to sell things like this by the road side. This girl is selling some kind of plants.
Not interested.

I persuaded my colleague to take a palm reading which is only 5 Yuan.
Cheap right?
Maybe she's a real master, who knows?

I thought I'm going get some amusement listening to someone's life story but HECK I couldn't make out what she's mumbling about. But I did hear her said that he will have ONE marriage only in this life. Ya, how informative!

He was asked to draw 3 bamboo sticks from a metal bottle.
And he so happened to draw the so-called auspicious ones.
One was the God of Prosperity. So good huh?
Just while we were praising how lucky he was some policemen came patrolling and she quickly ran away.
Ah? It's illegal! Haha!
But just seconds after the police patrol car is gone, she came back and got hold of us and asked for her pay. When we gave her 5 Yuan, she's not satisfied.
Cheater: It costed 6.50 Yuan
Me: What? Didn't you say 5 Yuan just now?
Cheater: @#$)_#$%^*_% (Some unknown mandarin)
Me: ha?
Colleagues: ha?
Cheater: *Looks angry* @#$$#%$^*#$ (Some more unknown mandarin)
Me: *Blur blur* What oh?
Cheater: You drew the God of Prosperity, that costed 1.50 Yuan
Me + Colleagues: What the XXXX!
Me + Colleagues: 神棍!Cheater!
OMG! Cheating little old Mountain East woman!
Yes, such a nasty woman.
You should bring a police badge with you, flash it and you get the palm reading for free..... :p
Ah Fan
Ah Fan: I'm constantly being amazed by how smart you guys (readers) are. That is just a brilliant plan!
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