We had student styled aka refugee styled party at one of the junior's room.

We are quite well equiped using utensils left for us from last badge, but I never get to use them!
Gosh, haven't had party like this since... *retrieving memory* ... since... Concord!
Gone were the days when Yeen Li and I have boiled cabbage in Sook Fan's room chewin' the fat and talked about special anatomical features of the male of the species.

I like being in Mountain East because I am easily passed as a 25 and under and get courted by young cute innocent boys. Yo, way to go, Yeng! (ha!)

We have Stir-fried bittergourd with salted egg 苦瓜炒咸蛋, Stir-fried tofu with spicy fermented beans 麻婆豆腐 and... can't remember all the rest.
Juniors are cute because they haven't really been exposed to the complication of working in a 8-5 corporate environment with back stabbers or go getters nor do they get to hear the ugliest words that is ever to be uttered about them.
In other words, they are fat meat that's yet to be chopped!

This one is nice to chop
They are always amazed with my 'Gulliver's Travel' stories while back in the UK studying with people from Tanjong Rambutan in the disguise of artists making funny pieces of artwork. Needless to say, I absolutely enjoy it when they give me the perplexed and the is-she-for-real-or-what look. haha

I like messing with people's head with TRUE facts. It's the highest level of mindblogging technique and I'm not even trying! I just tell them the TRUTH and they will be lost in their own little self-acclaimed politically correct comprehension of the world.

See, if you don't look at things from different perspectives and grasps the whole idea of how all things are inter-connected, you're gonna be messed about by people like me. I hanged out with residents of Tanjong Rambutan for 4 years, remember? Playing ground of how far sanity/insanity can go.

Sometimes, I can be such a brat.

Can be such an angle also lah, if you are nice to me. hehe
"Gone were the days when Yeen Li and I have boiled cabbage in Sook Fan's room chewin' the fat and talked about special anatomical features of the male of the species."
Now, that's very interesting... is that what you guys did?? (i believe the cabbage part, but the discussion part...?) Can the other two verify? Hahahahaa....
In conclusion, grab a Mountain East man to go home to Malaysia with you. One, he'll be a younger man; two, you'll have fun 'confusing' him as long as you want. :)
Fish: What an EXCELLENT suggestion!
Hmm.... I wonder WHO is so interested in what Yeen Li, Sook Fan and I talked about. So 3 8, is that KONG SIANG? :-p
Hey i dun remember the special anatomical features talk..... what exactly did we discuss? You must be thinking too much about this huh, Yen. You can remember after so many years.... i do remember the cabbage part, using my little small rice cooker :)
Ah Fan
Wei... Ah Fan, of course you don't remember lah, because I was the laughing stock then, not you! >_< Anyhow, it was FUN!
Hahahaa... now this is really fun! Is someone making up the story as she goes? Was that conversation just a fiction of imagination? arrrr....
KONG SIANG: I'm sure Yeen Li can still remember. As I said, Sook Fan couldn't remember because she wasn't the laughing stock.
Don't even ignite my FIRE in suggesting that I'm making things up ah. Wait till you see my true colour! >:-
hahahaa.... no one is gonna back you up. I'm sure Yeen Li can't remember too :p Give us 'colour' see.
Ah Fan
Yo, even Ah Fan oso say that! Anyhow, why do I need to verify anything in the first place? Up to you guys lah.
a commenter with no name is also a made up
u don't have to care too much, Jamie
K Han
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