My lecturers were mostly Naturalists and they had taught me Anatomy as if it's poetry that pictures the colourful history of the earth and migrations of the homosapiens. In short, they were Charles Darwin's fans.

However, the first impression I got from our Mountain East Anatomy Department was not exactly one that I've expected.
First of all, it's weird going to an Anatomy Lab without my sketch book and charcoal.

And when I arrived at the builiding, the teacher wasn't there yet. Neither were my classmates. So I was left waiting in this scary place.

Why so spooky one!

What the XXXX! This is not funny ok?
Well, our teacher was a young guy. And thanks god, he speaks very good PU TONG HUA 普通话: what we called as Mandarin. But I still think he looks a bit spooky.

The cardaver we got were so over preserved that it's got only one colour - charcoal black. (Sorry, no photos.) Total opposite of the white and pinky ones that was given to us in UCL. I think the one we've got today was more than 30 years old and it's a bit hard to make out what's what. Really too bad we didn't have the money to buy a 'fresh' one as it's hard to come by and will cost at least RMB 6000.
Even so, we wouldn't have bought it if it was cheap. In China, all those who ended up in the Anatomy Lab are prisoners who'd been sentenced to death by shooting.
Never ever commit a serious crime in China, my friend. My other teacher, who's a heart transplant surgeon, told me that 'parts' are not difficult to come by. When they execute a prisoner, they don't shoot him/her to death, they purposely 'miss' it and seconds after he's been shot, he'll be disected right there and all functional organs will be taken away ALIVE.
Talk about inhumanity!

Anyway, there's no air con in the lab. It's just too hot, I didn't want to wear my coat. The guy on my left is holding a liver, and the one on my right is holding a set of urinary and reproductive system. Really took an expert to differentiate a mess of black meat, you know.
Some juniors joined us as well as it's a weekend class.

Aren't they mischievous?
I took like a million photos, and a lot of interesting ones but after much consideration, I don't think it's suitable to show them here.
Dowan to get into trouble.

We've got some 'fresh' parts the next day. Since I've already attended Anatomy Class so many times, I am only interested in pathological organs.

But I think there's nothing wrong with this stomach. :-)
Haha, U somehow lost 10 days. Where have u been?
Who are you?
It's JULY, my jiambulut ! Better becareful....uuuu~~~~~
The last thing you want to do is to scare me ok!? O_o
I'm surprised that they allow you to take photos in anatomy room. Be careful and don't get yourself in trouble with the privacy issue....
Ah Fan
Ah Fan: That's why I didn't put up photos of the cadavers. I did worry about that. But then, it's a total different atmosphere here than in the UK. There's no 5 minutes silence to respect the dead, no appreciation. Population is too high in China, lives have no value here. Furthermore, Chinese do not have any belief in any religion.
K S Lim lah
Aiyo... with a name like Haha or A ha.. it's just so quaint/crafty lah.
Anyway, blogging is different from diary-ing...
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
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