Some easy peasy for Superflower, Smallfish and Ah Fan.
And I also found a DISTANT RELATIVE of mine in Moutain East that owns my surname:

Hmm... but I don't think we have any resamblance.
By the way, do you think the guy next to him is handsome? My Malaysian colleagues, who are MEN, kept telling me how handsome he is that they couldn't help but admire his features. Got meh?

We went to a new restaurant today for lunch and ordered something new. It's some strange mushroom called 东北"王秦"蘑炖草鸡 - a Chicken and Mushroom Stew.

Really not bad you know. The chicken is so damn good. I love eating weird fungi.
Makes me feel like a proper WITCH.
Mua ha ha ha

Serious grand stuff. Better than Mushroom Tea from Armsterdam. I was high all day after eating this.

Now, now, my friends. What are the things you must try when you visit Mountain East? Yes, it's 饺子 - dumpling!
Ya, I know. We chinese call everything a dumpling. Not our fault ok? It's freaking English that has limited vocab.
This is not a WATER dumpling, it's STEAMED dumpling, which gives better texture. And they use 山野菜 - WILD VEGGIE?

Jesus, anything that sounds
wild and wrong will sure makes my ear tingles.
I'm all intoxicated.
This WILD VEGGIE is simply way too good. The bite is very AL-DENTE.

Even my 'little' colleague agrees with me.
yesssshh. the guy labelled "Distant Relative" who is treating the old man is quite a looker. :P
REally, James? Not my type loh, but he's very MAN - in control and always leading the group. You interested? heheh
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