Can tell he's dissappointed in me because I wasn't supposed to walk so much last night. hehe.
I admit there's some degree of guilt in me but I didn't regret going out last night. For the price of cake, I'm willing to do anything.

I love his homemade medicine. Smells really awesome.

Like the 1st time, he did some handling/Tui Na to my muscles and ligament. Boy, it felt good.
I was telling my Dad (who pretends he's not worried but is actually damn worried):
Me: You know, he is very good, push push and urut urut, very siok
Dad: Don't push so high up lah!
Me: ......

Mr Pro in action.

I like the Taiwanese bandage, feels very comfortable and it's got nice buckles! Makes me look like a professional patient! ahaha
How high did it go?
High enough to feel siok!
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