As if being punished to sitting on my arse doing bugger all whole day is not enough, there is a mosquito in my room that will soon buzz me to death.
SOME parent of the opposite sex once told me that God created Eve to distract Adam from being too competitive to Him. And all mighty brilliant God just knew what the exact ingredients needed to put in Eve to distract Adam, i.e. protuding breasts, smaller waist line, rounder bottom, and the ability to bother persistently with trivial complaints or drive-you-nuts questions that no one has an answer to.
For instance, do you love me?
"Have you taken your shower? It's already 9:15pm, you know"
"Did you use hot water to take your shower?"
"Where are you going today? Lecture or pratical?"
"Which lecturer? What's the discussion topic? Who is going with you?"
"Who just called you? What did you talk about?"
Repeat ALL randomly at anytime of the day.
I must say, this is some mosquito.
I took rounds and rounds of walk around the campus with my elephant tuff (ya, thanks bro) just to escape the mosquito BUZZ. And I found this funny looking motorbike. Ya, Adidas. There you go.

I guess my Taiwanese friend took pity on me. She offer me a motorbike trip again today to go to the nearby hypermarket. Yeah, motorbike ride, the next best thing to cake!

A mother trying to park her electronic bicycle.

Saw some imported alcohol on display in the hypermarket. I wonder if Faiz and Makas know whether it's cheaper or more expensive here compared to K.L.? Divide price tag by 2 to convert to Malaysian Ringgit.

I really like dish washing detergent in China because they are made of the most unexpected ingredients: garlic, papaya and ginger. And yes, they SMELL GOOD!
And hey, got some challenge for you guys today. Can you tell what these are?

Are they Ping Pong (table tennis) balls?

And what are these?

And these?
That's it for the day, me really no mood with all the nagging.
Muahahaha.... Ne no neeeee, do de do da da daaaa....
You need a some bug poison, the whiskey looks good...
Let me offer some help!!!
This is how mosquito trying to be nice. All you need to do is to tell her that you do not need the attension and prefer to be quietly doing your own things.
Really, this is the way how mosquito trying to be friendly and offer their lovingkindness.
Ping Pong = Turtle eggs???
The alcohol is cheaper than KL.
Me escape to my other friends' rooms all the time. I don't have the HEART to say "please leave me alone!"
Faiz, Ducknight... so it is cheaper in KL or cheaper here?
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