The best part of working in a hospital is you get to know who is the pro and who's not. And the pro who came to rescue me is a Taiwanese junior who specialises in ortopedic.
He brought 3 yellow looking herbs and pounded them, mixed with honey and a bit of water. Smell WONDERFUL! The process of making herbal remedy can really turn me on. I'm bloody weird.

He then did some 牵拉 'adjustment' to my foot plus some urut. Compliment to his very good skills as it's very comfortable and precise.
You see, when you sprained your ankle, contrary to general belief, DO NOT EVER MASSAGE IT FOR TOO LONG or you will regret later. Apply once only in a short precise manner in order to adjust the linings.
Then he applied the herbs on it. Yo, the herbs are refreshingly COOLING and yet SPICY. The smell is just so nice I'm already high.
Mr Pro also told me that I have got VERY WEAK TENDONS. He shook his head and said "Something's wrong with you."
My other friend said I'm 肝肾亏虚!
It basically means I'm an OLD LADY.
Geeeee... Enough of people telling me I'm an old lady ok?
*Can hear mischievous sister laughing already*

Well, I am asked not to walk for 2 days which really spoils my weekend.
I was planning to visit the local pub tonight!!!!
No going to the ENT department tomolo!
No tuition with cutie kids tomolo!!!!
Just so you know, things not to eat when you sprained your ankle:
1) Bamboo Shots
2) Mango
3) Banana
4) Fungus
Well, I was told not to eat these anyway.
Oh dear.... I will be stucked in my room for 2 days... wanna cry already... :-(
Ouch. That looks painful.
Does that mean you'll be sat on your arse whole day doing bugger all?
by the way, you've got stubby toes. Cheers
don't you know people with stubby fingers and toes are born artists?
isn't stubby toes a dominating sign?
Ah Fan
Ah Fan:
Haven't heard of that before, but the artistic part is TRUE! hehehe
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