What are the symptoms of tonsillitis?
Sore throat
Tonsils look redder or more swollen than usual
White spots or white/grey coating over the tonsils
Enlarged glands in the neck
Difficulty or pain swallowing
Bad breath
Difficulty breathing sometimes, especially in children.
Irritable children
Ear ache
It is most common among toddlers and you should start suspecting when your kids have difficulty eating or snore really loud during sleep.

I really do admire the courage of these kids because we use a traditional technique called Diathermy, I think, an instrument that is being heated to a temperature of about 100°C and then to burn and scrap off the infected/swollen area. The heated instrument cuts away the tonsils and, no, there's no pain! But you've got to be really brave to see that thing being heated up and then put into your throat. And they have to do it like at least 3 times.

No, I won't do that even for 200 USD.

For people who get blocked nose, sneezing and flu all the time... like at least 3-5 times a year, despite advices to refrain from taking antibiotics or vitamin tablets, we give them special medicine to stick on some effective acupuncture points which help to activate the defense system in your body for better protection against bacterea and viruses.
It's quite a popular treament here in Mountain East and Uncle colleague seems to be getting the hang of it now.

I tried out a famous restaurant today recommended by our local students which they claim to be the best in town for dumplings. I'm all sceptical for I've tried more than 2 months of dumplings here in all sorts of places and no, there's no nice dumpling whatsoever in Mountain East.
But heck, since a PHD candidate is nice enough to buy me dinner tonight, why not.
The menu is quite impressive though, with all sorts of perculiar stuffing. There's even Mantis Prawn stuffing.

Cucumber Dumplings
He ordered 2 vegetaran dumplings and 1 meat. 3两 of Cucumber, 3两 of Tomato and 3两 of Green Pepper and Meat dumplings. And I was like thinking if this guy is crazy or wat. That's about 9 两 of dumplings. Err... 1 两 = 50 gram, so 9 两 is about 450 gram. Are you following me? No?
So how many exactly, you ask. Ok lah, 3两 give you 18 dumplings, alright? That would make it 54 freaking dumplings.

Green Pepper and Minced Meat Dumplings
Yo, but I didn't regret it. Because they really were the best dumplings ever. And now I know what makes a dumpling delicious. Yes, OBVIOUSLY, it's the skin and what you stuff inside.

Tomato Dumplings - the best! Chinese Ravioli! ha!
Because I've been eating the same freaking traditional Chinese Chives and Minced Meat 韭菜肉 Dumpling all these while I didn't know there are better version out there! And meat dumplings prove to be a wrong formula, it's too lame, no texture and smell horrible. On the other hand, all the vegetarian dumplings taste like a master piece of artwork that you couldn't help but to gulp and gulp non-stop like a hamster.
Yes, my friend, dumpling stuffing has to be veggie (choose your own) mixed with green bean noodle, black fungus and scrambled egg. Forget the Ajinomoto, ok.
Do not ever attempt to put minced meat. You'll lose the contrasting texture of the soft outer skin and crunchy stuffing. Your tongue likes being massaged too you know.
1 comment:
Tonsillectomies, great fun. That was what I was doing last year. But the kids were anaesthetised.
Pain free? no way...
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