Sunday, August 20, 2006

There Goes My Virginity - for Motorbike Ride

As you all know, I must have done something horribly wrong in my past life that somehow prolificated at this moment in life that made me being punished to sitting on my arse doing bugger all whole day for 9 freaking days.

And I think my friends are picking up hints and could sense that the level of sanity in me is descenting in a rather dangerously rapid manner that
  • the fear of real wacko Yeng overpowering the usually nice and charming Yeng is starting to grow
  • the fear of the gradual change of my eye colour surrounded with bloating blood vessels is starting to grow
  • the fear of some unknown disgusting worms crawling out of my ears and nose is starting to grow
  • and that the fear of finding suspicious dead bodies of cute little animals being brutally murdered and trees being stripped to bodak in the school compound is staring to grow.
Fearing for her life as being the closest to me, my junior bought me a piece of nice chocolate cake in an attempt to control the dropping-dangerously-sanity-level of mine. Well, I've got to admint, it does help a lot.

Ya, while I struggle to enjoy my pathetic tiny piece of cake sitting on my arse. She ignored and enjoyed herself with my never ending supply of games loaded in my toshiba.

The effort of controlling real wacko Yeng is taken over by my Taiwanese friend around evening time. She borrowed Mr Pro's motorbike and.... YOO HOO!!! I got to ride on a motorbike for the first time in my life!

Isn't a motorbike ride the coolest/most thrilling/best thing in life?
I don't know about you, but if you ask me, it's way better than making babies and endulging in chocolate. I also believe that the word COOL is originally used to describe motorbike rides.

It's so thrilling to drift in the wind and be able to stroke tree branches growing overhead along the way. It's nice to smile at pedastrians alike while on your motorbike. They smile back at you!
It's also nice to just cut in and out and jump in traffic queues.

It feels so F R E E.


That's it, I want a boy-friend with a cool motorbike. I want it so much I shall relate my idea to the Guild of Handsome Young Hunk with Sexy Motorbike to try to match make cool Cake Fairy like myself. :-)

Great plan.

We stopped at a so-called Chinese fast food chain store. No, they don't serve chinese burger here. It's basically the normal economy rice we get in Malaysia during lunch hour. Food not so delicious.

All in all, today's a SUPER HAPPY DAY, no dead bodies of cute little animals shall be found tomolo. Motorbike ride has just saved the world.



Anonymous said...


Light Keeper said...

Thanks Anna...但我没乱吃东西啊

Anonymous said...
