I've decided to try out an interesting concoction recommended by my friend that I never thought in my life could be used for facial treatment.
So I asked my junior to take me to the cheapest chinese herbalist in town
and yes
it's really happening here

I went to the herbs section and told them what I want.

Can u spot me in my ALL CHINESE MADE attire?

They are extremely busy and have to be swift. I always wonder how they memorise the exact location of each herbs considering that all drawers look alike.

This lady is serving me and don't you think my herbs look nice and dainty?

I also prescribed myself this unique flower for my facial wash which is normally used for blocked nose.

Look like mice, don't they?

Purchasing in China is funny and annoying. You don't buy things off the counter where you find the product, you've got to go to the cashier to make the payment first then walk back to the original counter to get your stuff and the cashier NEVER says hello, thank you or look at you.

My junior was making faces because she's just found out that she's up for sale in my blog and no one has put a bid. Haha! No lah, she's just mischeivous, that's all.

Then we took the bus home and oh my it's this lady driver again!!!!!
I have no discrimination whatsoever towards ladies drivers but she is just pure annoying for she drives like there's NO PASSANGER in the bus, ok?
Steer here and there suddenly, sneak into the pedestrian walk way, drives along the OPPOSITE lane, break suddenly
This is not F1 Grand Prix, ok????
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