Our Malaysian PHD candidates arrived. And I couldn't understand for goodness sake why one of them... already a professional physician, a mother of 2, and a grown up who's WAY older than I am, cannot stay in a room assigned to her alone by herself.

She said that she's never slept alone before and that she's scared. I really cannot comprehend a statement like that. Is there such a thing as 'too scared to stay in a room all by myself'? Whatever happened to Feminism? This is the 21st Century, ok? Or is it a Chinese thing again?
Anyhow, being the ANGEL that I am, lest I'll loose my cake fairy license, I nodded my head to her request to share my room with her for 40 days.

Now, here's another thing I don't understand about myself. I've never shared a room with other people in my life before except my mum, my grandma, or my sis. Why do I need to say yes when I really wanted to say no? Typical woman??? Oh... the cake fairy license.. ok ok.
I've got a feeling this could be the starting of a long horrible nightmares. I hope the Cake Fairy's Guild appreciate my commitment and endurance!
So sharing a room with others during traveling doesn't count?
get some sleeping pills ready to knock yourself out :P
and look over your shoulder when you update your blog.
we will help you countdown - start - 40 days to go. Hahaha
it's the end of Jamie Yeng as we know it. you know the smell old people have? get used to that!. Muahahaha
Can You Stay in a Single Room Alone?
yes, of course I can. But it is really better if there is a pretty young girl around, hehe..
To eat, or not to eat? Only god will know; or maybe he doesn't even know. That's apparently what Malaysian doctors will advise. I have absolutely not a clue. All that I know is, I haven't an answer and that my books have never mentioned it before. And there's nothing I can think of why we can't except for the fact that egg is high in protein and if so, we should be condemned from ALL protein.
Can anyone enlighten us here?
OK, the comment above was for 11 Aug... oops.
Anyhow... yes, that the end of me, virtually. Couldn't sleep for so many nights already. And she started to act like the mum I never had: Have you taken your shower? Did you use hot water? Where are you going today? Who are you going with? Who called you just now? What did you talk about? .....
I want to cry.
hahaha.... freedom, freedom, free.......dom
is still a distant - 38 days away
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