I mean it in the sweetest and nicest way possible. Vegetarians should really try to learn to adapt to how the world is eating and what is REALLY healthy and what is not.

A vegetarian restaurant that serves no garlic, onion and chives
After my trip here in Shandong, I was exposed to a weird culture that's going on among our youngsters: being a vegetarian that does not eat all the plants and veggies. That is to say they refrain from the consumption of egg, onion, garlic and chives because they are considered to be the same as consuming meat.

Menu with all the wonderful chinese
names but have not a clue what they are
I'm an Aquarius at heart, meaning the most open minded horoscope that care the least about other people's business, but she's a great humanitarian as well, and having observed the pathetic hermitic lifes our young and innocent Chinese Buddhist boys are leading, I feel the need to express my views.
When you don't eat garlic or onion or chives or egg, you are automatically making life difficult for all the people around you. Unless your family members are doing the same as you are, you are basically shutting yourself off from the world.
First off, no one can invite you to their gatherings that involve eating. And then, when they do want to dine with you, they all have to go to a place that is suitable for you but not what they like to eat. And then, if they want to cook for you, they have to cook something else for you that they won't be eating. Think of cooking for a pet or a maid. And then, if you are lucky enough to get a girl-friend despite all the fussiness in your eating habit, she has to convert to your eating style as well.

The ONLY nice food in the
restaurant: caramelised mushroom
I have much respect for vegetarians. But I think you've got to be flexible in holding your beliefs. Making life difficult for people around you is not really the main point of being a vegetarian. And eating meat is not really a sinful thing. Please be wise and conduct a more thorough research on food, how to eat, basic physiology and what it means being around people before commiting yourself to something that's based entirely on what other people told you to be good. Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed and Buddha were not vegetarians, at least I believe they are not. Do you want to know who's the FAMOUS vegetarian? It's Adolf Hitler. Ok, I think I'm over-doing it now. But you know my point.
Shutting yourself off from the world at the age of 20+ is the most absurd and pitiable thing in the world to do. I noticed that these guys don't have any friends. They don't know what's going on in the world. And if they do, they hate what's going on in the world. They don't know how to socialise and do not know how to deal with everyday's life issues that involves human beings. They think all the rest of the people are unsuperior. They hope everyone is kind, pretty, honest and a vegetarian. They are basically living in delusion. They don't have the correct view of the world! Do you think you can find happiness at all? On the contrary, you will get disappointed all the time because you are holding to a erroneous Utopia.
Now, if being a vegetarian doesn't make you any happier or wiser, I strongly recommend you to think twice the value in doing so. Having a 'clean' body but head's not levelled, that's just making things worse. That's exactly what you get while visiting all the ancient tourist spots in China, you are just looking at something that the Chinese think are great treasures but do not know what they really mean in actual.
Do not get me wrong. Being a vegetarian does have it bright sides. But you've got to be all educated to do so and it's pattern differentiated, wholy dependant on your body build and how well you are able to come up with the all healthy and suitable comsumption everyday. My main point being: do whatever you want but make sure it's beneficial in a wider scope and that you have a full understanding of it. Nothing gets on my nerves more than those that shut their own windows to the wonderful world of morning sunshine.
Again, I mean to express my views in the nicest and kindest way possible.

p/s There's another drawback on being a vegetarian: NO MORE CAKES. And that's unbearable.
i miss you Yeng.. when u going to come back to Malaysia? =)
Hi, Adilla. How are things? How's your new job? I'm most likely to return around Chinese New Year time. :-) I miss you guys a lot too.
at of this moment in time, i don't think i'll ever be a vegetarian ... me just not discipline enough, can't give up meat ... and cakes?!? no way.
I have decided to be a vegetarian from next year on. Will only avoid meat but will eat vege cooked with it, so that will cut out the problem of socialising.
fish: haha... you are just one kind of nice and honest girl. My bro said that I'm a rare species, I think you are one too.
OB: good for you!
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