Saturday, September 23, 2006

Cooked today

I cooked lunch today. It has been quite a while since I cook for people. Being one of the rare Hakka species around I bet a lot of people haven't tried the Hakka steamed aubergine/eggplant topped with minced meat fried with fermented yellow bean, so I conjured up such dish. :-p

For your info, most people here are either Hokkien or Montain Eastor, so... you know how special I am. And everytime I run into a historian here, they will start to illustrate enthusiatically that the Hakka were the original Chinese people. And that he/she is proud to know one... i.e. me. I'm like... there are lots of them in the South, my friend!!!! I have not an idea how original I am, but I know I'm special. :-)

Anyone misses my cooking? Oh boy, I think I long to be a chef. Or at least it's a good outlet for me to fullfil the artistic need to use my hand to create things.


Anonymous said...

i miss ur cooking.


Anonymous said...

總是有種被關心的幸福感~ 美味~
剛透露說也想吃吃Jamie姨~的料理呢 ^_<
(好吧, 也許是讓我想到了妳的愛心餐~
不自覺的^.^很想很想現在就享用到) 嘻.

Light Keeper said...

I really didn't think anyone would actually miss my weird recipes. :-) But I'm flattered.

Fish: We should do more cooking sessions together next time you are back in M'sia... which I think it's grim????

Jasmine: 未来妈妈要好好注意饮食哦。我等不及要看看小宝宝是长什么样子的。。。