Does he look tall to you?
I finally got round to talking to our Shandong ISP over the phone and they understood me and I understood them so they came over and installed ADSL for me. It's 100 Mbps and costs RMB 40 per month. Cheap or not? I tested the speed this morning following James' advise, it's about 412.9 kilobits per second.
This is my first ever broadband connection you know! Haha... Makas aka Mr Carrot said I'm a loser. Wei, I never had to get one wah, it's always been free for me!
When you are all by yourself in some land called Mountain Hole East, no reason is too small to get over excited about, so this is what I cooked to celebrate my first day of getting online.

Stir-fried lotus 莲藕 and chinese parsley 芫荽 with wolfberries honey 枸杞子蜜! Ha... I know, it sounds pretty weird but it's delicious, ok? How often can you find a light dish that smells like fragance and tastes like love that soothes your throat at the same time? It is perfect for summer. You can try cooking this for your boy-friend and he will fly. Must put some nicely roasted pork or chicken, ok?
Yeng's little tips:
- Lotus: Did you know that lotus was from India? Good for you reducing heat in your body. Don't they talk about detox programme all the time and try to make you buy NEWLY discovered and EXPENSIVE supplement for you to detox your rusty body? Well, here's one for you from me. Just think how lotus is grown and you will know why. You can't? Oh well, someone once said genius is a celestial spark granted only to an elite few. I guess it's true! ha!
Make fresh juice out of it for your daddy, brother, hubby or child if they are under the heaty weather or have sore throat. Add some honey to make it easier to drink. - Chinese parsley: Good for almost EVERYTHING, except that some people are allergic to it. It aids digestion. The Japanese are crazy about it. Rule of thumb : Anything that adis digestion will promote longevity (© copyright yengfong 2006). Chinese parsley is one herb that you must try to eat fresh everymeal if you want to have healthy stomach and beautiful skin. It has anti-cancerous property as well. Pick the short and expensive one with sharp pleasant smell. My housemate Tay says it costs about RM3 for a little bunch.
- Wolfberries: Grab a handful and drink as tea everyday all you computer freaks! The orange colour indicates that it's an 'active' fruit thus it has a great BU 补 property. It means, it's good for generally weak people as it promotes better blood circulation.
According to TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) theories, if you use your eye too much for reading, it's very bad for your blood. Chinese wolfberries belongs to the Liver and Kidney meridiens and because your eye is somehow connected to your liver (the blood relation), so wolfberries are good for your eye. Well, if you look at it from the nutritional value point of view, it is high in Vit A, so TCM and Western Medicine is just 2 ways of looking at the same thing... well, almost. I believe the Chinese can SEE more. :-)
Friend, u can pulish a book name "Yen with Cook" after u complete ur course in ShangDong....all the foods that u cook "look" nice....hmm....feel like taste some...
Wei, Yisa! Are you online now? Thanks for your support! ha! I photoshoped my food... of course they look nice! hehehe... but I don't think you wan't to try my food. Ask my sis and bros you'll know... lol
ya im online now...using msn
Wei, Ducknight. It's really 100 mbps... but James (NetOps) says it's the network connection only. The IT guy told me I could get 200mbps for RMB 60 a month, but being my usual stingy self, I signed up for the cheapest loh.
Ey, remember to drink more water! Wondering now how a tanned Makas will look like... like a roasted duck?
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