You can find 2 kinds of food here. Either the expensive and salty one, or the cheap and unsalty one. My 'clever' Malaysian colleagues will always go for the first kind. I just don't know why. And they always order the same thing.
1. Tang Chu Li Ji 糖醋里脊(Sweet and Sour Shredded Meat)
2. Shi Hong Shi Cao Ji Dan 柿红柿炒鸡蛋(Fried Tomatoes with Egg)
3. Tu Dou Si 土豆丝(Potato-sour)
I'm so fed up with these 3 dishes that I decided to EAT MYSELF. (Sek Ji Gei)
The cheap and unsalty kind of food comes in gigantic portion and our fellow Shandong Lang have no problem putting everything into their stomachs.

So you really got to be smart when ordering. My uncle colleague is usually quite good at this, so I let him take care of my lunch sometimes. (Unlike me, he doesn't seem to have communication problem with the locals. )

I was especially excited when I finally found a nice eat out place near the school one night. The rice in Shandong is really non appertizing. It's over cook most of the time and has got no taste and aroma whatsoever. It just look like a mash of white glue. However, it makes really nice porridge. Very smooth and delectable.

When I go shopping at a nearby hypermarket, it was all excitement. So many food!

Shandong is famous for hawker food. I really have got to try everything one day. I just am too busy at the moment.

Why do pancakes have to be so big? This is crazy.

If there is ever one thing I have to say is the best thing I've tested so far in Shandong, it is their BEER. It's so refreshing that it has a feel good factor when it touches your tongue. Better than spring water!

I wanna try the beer, make sure u gonna "yum seng" with me when i go there...have not tasted anything beer like spring water b4
Of course I will, my friend! Beer is so cheap here you can "yum seng" till you drop.
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