Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Where is Jamie aka Yeng?

Is this blog over and done with?

Ladies and gentlemen, what a year it's been for me. First I parted my comfortable I.T. job, took 8 months' leave to do my practical in ShanDong, a some where that's no where on earth, striving hard to make friends with farmers and Chinese practitioners who's never seen anything beyond their mountains, got to meet foreigners from all over the world trying to find authentic China, try to save myself every time I cross a road, then I went back to tropical K.L. with all the smiling faces, welcoming neigbhours, with one thousand and one projects lining for me to start the engine, with one freaking dissertation to write, got flown to Bangkok for Chinese New Year, stayed there and ate buffet day and night for 2 weeks, got enough of CAs and CUPs, flown back to K.L. high fever for 1 week, contracted Dengue (ya, should really buy Jackpot already), got the whole world worried about me, the whole world chasing me to complete their projects, me in really bad mood, French Art Festival design needs finalisation, recovering now, not enough heamogoblin running around my body, cannot think much.

Hmm... that's what happened to me loh.

Mum's gone back to hometown, leaving me to survive in lonely K.L. I think will have a lot of Sushi tonight to make myself happy.



Anonymous said...

Ui ui, where are you, got stung by nyamuk again ah? Dont be lazy, update your blog. Dont forget my present..."pink..pink".... good luck with your project. Yeng-bu-lut.

alex said...
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