Monday, February 05, 2007

Back in Town... one piece, of course.

So much of Shandong, China. I had the hardest time leaving my Taiwanese and Australian buddies. Never ever shed a tear for friendship but I did for Shandong. It is not so much of the place, but the people you meet there: people of all walks of life from all over the world coming to China in search for authentic TCM experience and *TADA* got disappointed. This is absolutely some kind of experience.

I miss you all!

And... so much for the earthquake in Taiwan that caused major heavy traffic in China. I couldn't access to and consequently me missing in action for a while. Don't worry! There are still a lot of interesting stories in my picture bucket. Will keep on blogging... after all, that's what single people do, don't they? lol

Oh, and since I couldn't keep up with the actual date to blog I've decided to post in real time. :-) I've yet to get a broadband connection in my apartment, so hopefully it could be done soonest. So, do expect more 'meat' to come. :-) Good night.

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