Sometimes, I do feel like opening a restaurant to share all my "creations"... I want to give you good food and good health.
When I was a student, my normal friends thought I'm eccentric and my artist friends think I'm too kitsch. In my family, my siblings do not know what to make of me but people who seek medical advice or knowledge from me hope to be like me. I enjoy my style of cooking but others are amazed how I survive eating alien food. I am confused. And here is my blog.
I am writing this with tiny weenie bit of resentment and also in an attempt to let go of this incessant same piece of shit defilement that existed in my head which has been bothering me since beginning of year. i.e. unhappiness. I’ve finally decided it’s stupid and unnecessary and I wanted to be free. Free from the discontentment from being judged.
Recently, I have been judged and found pitiful that I am having extreme bad luck and now going through the lowest point in life (or so they thought) therefore it was concluded that I have lost all my senses, conscience and direction to life, despite 30 years of incessant education and self improvements, and have had hopelessly became a mannequin that is under control by some evil forces.
That’s not the worst comment I've ever heard in my life. Listening to harsh comments due to misconceptions and shallow minds are all part of EVERYONE’s life. I’ve heard it all. Especially for an eccentric person like me who always strives to be outright different. I was always being criticised for being nice and sweet to all. They say I am a slut because “she reads english books”. Haha! That’s really absurd. Well, back to the point. However, to be hearing this kind of comments coming from the people you thought trusted and understand you the most has the same impact of a ‘cultural shock’.
A very BIG question mark shoots up above one’s head following these 3 letters W H Y.
Yes, this BIG WHY? has been bothering for so long. WHY? the people I always find comforts in… can suddenly have a complete NEGATIVE understanding of me as if they have never known me before? I didn’t know, the belief in LUCK is so important that it can break a relationship just as bad as money matters. For the life of me, I’ve never thought that’s possible.
First of all, the question falls on: What is Luck? and why others assume luck can play such a role in determining one’s happiness and success. We all pretty much have an idea of what luck is. However, its very definition is as abstract as asking the innocent question : what is Love?
Don’t we all, for all of our entire life, been doggedly searching for the impossibility of true LOVE, GOOD LUCK and SUCCESS? Little do we ever think that they are all subjected to one’s understanding for the true meaning of life and what constitute happiness. Depends of your religion and upbringing, luck can generally be understood as the followings:
Of course, the above 2 is too general an explanation to luck.
What I really do believe in is, there’s no such thing as luck. There’s only ‘the condition’.
Nature does work in a miraculous way, but certainly not in a random mini mine more way. There is a hidden formula beyond the comprehension of our 6-7 inches humanly brain, in any chance, that this formula is understood and mastered, we are already a free man and no longer under the governing of this rule, or so I thought.
There’s a bit of nature, a bit of your own doing and a bit of other people’s doing. That is what I understand as luck. I also believe, if you work really really really hard with all your might, all the time, and with a selfless heart and attained mindfulness, nature really does work together with you in harmony. Reason? That’s the chord that nature plays!
God whispers to you the moment your mum brought you to this world, here, this is the inventory (your body) and condition (your family) I give to you, carry on and pave our own path, I am busy.
Let’s forget about the question why god gives him more and less to you. This is the same stupid LOVE question. Just consider the fact that, did you use your inventory and condition the right way? And AHA, can you see now? The point is what is “the right way”!???
Play any deadly addictive Facebook Playfish apps, then you will know what I mean. Restaurant City, Country Story…etc. You have to take care of the game your own way. You can never die in these games… only how you sustain it. And there’s no way to judge, whether you are ‘dead’ in these games, only abandonment. And no one can say you are ‘dead’. Certainly, nobody can claim their restaurant is better than others none other then the voting of all other anonymous users (your friends are not allowed to vote for you).
There’s no absolute “right way” agreeable to all.
So, at the end of the day, what I wanted to say is to judge and assume others having BAD LUCK, or not enjoying good life, or not choosing the correct spouse, or has nothing in life, or any eye rolling regarding other’s people life based on limited understanding and firm grasp on the true nature of life or happiness, is as bad as saying “my restaurant in Facebook is better than yours.
I rest my case.
Board chairman Datuk Markiman Kobiran has likened the situation as a “war with no ending like the war between Israel and the Palestinians” despite continued measures to curb the menace.
“Until today, there is no absolute formula to solve this problem. Do we cancel their permits, step up on enforcement and urge passengers to be more proactive in making complaints? We have done all that. You tell me,” he told a press conference at the CVLB office yesterday.
Despite the increase in the number of errant taxi drivers, Markiman said the board was not giving up because it involved the country’s reputation.
In an undercover operation conducted by the board, only 15 of 627 taxis were found to be following regulations.
“Media reports on ‘samseng’ (rogue) taxis, drivers who refused to pick up passengers and those who overcharged were quite disappointing. Upon investigation, we found them all to be true,” he said.
Sixty JPJ (Road Transport Department) officers boarded 627 taxis in the Klang Valley this month and 612 taxi drivers were found guilty of various offences.
The operation also showed that a taxi driver committed on an average of three offences.
“An enforcement officer boarded a taxi from Pudu to a hotel early one morning. He was overcharged and at the end of the trip, the taxi driver told the officer that he ‘dah agak pegawai’ (could guess he was an officer). But yet, he overcharged the officer,” said Markiman.
During the operation, 432 taxi drivers did not use meters, 192 did not display their driver cards, 144 overcharged their passengers and 103 refused to pick up passengers.
A total of 502 taxi drivers were caught for not having driving licences, not wearing seat belts and driving recklessly.
“Five Pakistanis were found to be driving the taxis. We view this matter seriously as foreign nationals are not allowed to drive taxis. We will be calling the taxi operators to explain,” he said,
Markiman said it was important for the passengers to be more pro-active in reporting errant taxi drivers as it would help with enforcement.
Meanwhile, a taxi operator said undisciplined taxi drivers would not only tarnish their company’s name but also cause losses in income.
“The CVLB may cancel or suspend the licence of our taxi drivers if they keep committing offences,” she said.
She also said the company would seize the taxi or forfeit the driver’s deposit if it received too many complaints from passengers.