Sunday, January 07, 2007

Found a photo!

It's been a while since my junior makes her appearance on my blog. She's a nice girl. Well, I guess we're just as alone being the rare Southern species here. There are more people who can speak English here than Cantonese you know, let alone Malay. I'm gonna miss her company and all the free modelling making my monotomous photos less boring.

Just in case you are wondering if it's the wrong season, the photo's taken on 1st Oct. Yupe, it's 7th Jan today. And it's FREEZING cold. As I sit here blogging, the temp outside is chilling at -8 degree C. Damn nice! :p

Friday, January 05, 2007


I'm overwhelmed today by a lot of unexpected birthday greetings. Cakes, gifts, FREE nice food, lovely sms-es, touching e-cards and blog comments, good times, new friends, many versions of birthday songs + laughters. I feel blessed. Don't know what I did to deserve all that coz I am that heartless person that never ever remember birthdays. So...Thank You all. *kiss*

My colleagues from KL had sent me, so far, the best thing I've ever found in my inbox. I haven't felt so touched like that in a loooooong while since the demise of someone I really cared about. For that I did this:

Anyone who dares to comment on my rounded cheek and bookish glasses is guartanteed a good punch on your left chest when I'm back. :-p

Otherwise, I love you all. X X O
